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The Danish Film music Society


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© 1996, 2025

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Amanda The Betsy High Velocity Africa Mister Moses Masquerade The Package The Chairman Contract On Cherry Street
38 anmeldte soundtracks/scores fra Prometheus Records

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Labelnr.: Titel: Ã…r: Udgivet: Gennemsnits-karakter:
XPCD 180 Duel In The Sun 1946 2017
XPCD 179 Thief Of Bagdad, The 1940 2016
XPCD 177 Betsy, The 1978 2014
XPCD 176 Mister Moses 1965 2014
XPCD 175 QB VII (complete) 1974 2013
XPCD 174 Salamander, The 1981 2013
XPCD 171 Conan The Destroyer (re-recording) 1984 2011
XPCD 169 Conan The Barbarian (re-recording) 1982 2010
XPCD 167 Golden Voyage Of Sinbad, The (re-recording) 1974 2008
XPCD 166 7th Voyage Of Sinbad, The 1958 2009
XPCD 165 Cassandra Crossing, The (complete) 1976 2008
XPCD 162 Quigley Down Under (complete) 1990 2006
XPCD 157 Cutthroat Island (complete) 1995 2005
XPCD 154 Basic Instinct (complete) 1992 2004
PCR 522 Robin And Marian 1976 2008
PCR 521 Mike's Murder 1984 2009
PCR 518 White Buffalo, The 1977 2003
PCR 517 Swarm, The 1978 2003
PCR 516 Package, The 1989 2003
PCR 515 Blow Out 1981 2002
PCR 514 Masquerade 1988 2002
PCR 511 Rio Lobo 1970 2001
PCR 509 Africa 1967 2000
PCR 508 Amanda 1996 2000
PCR 506 Hammett 1982 2000
PCR 505 Challenge, The 1982 2000
PCR 503 Contract On Cherry Street 1977 1999
PCR 502 Breakout 1975 1999
PCR 501 Master Of Ballantrae, The 1984 1998
PCD 161 King Solomon's Mines 1985 2006
PCD 158 Chairman, The 1969 2005
PCD 155 Cherry 2000 / No Man's Land 1987 2004
PCD 146 Narrow Escape 1997 1997
PCD 136 Salvador / Platoon 1986 1995
PCD 134 High Velocity 1976 1994
PCD 127 Caboblanco 1980 1993
PCD 112 A.D. 1985 1992
LPCD 163 Images 1972 2007