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Henriks sider / pages
John Barry · Jerry Goldsmith
Rachel Portman
Howard Shore
Sven Gyldmark
Koncerter (Concerts)

© 1996, 2025

Lalo Schifrin 1997 John Barry 1998 Jerry Goldsmith 1999
Jerry Goldsmith 2000 Ennio Morricone 2000 Debbie Wiseman 2000
Hans Zimmer 2000 Det ny Tonefilmsorkester 2000 Howard Shore 2004

An Extraordinary Trip To London
Surviving on Jerry Goldsmith's music and orange juice

My Concert report from The Barbican Centre in London, May 22nd and 23nd 2000

By Henrik,
The Danish Film music Society

You can also read my report on Jerry Goldsmith's 70's birthday concert in 1999.

Sunday (May 21):

Today we (the 3 usual film music nerds from The Danish Film music Society) will travel to London, again to watch one of our biggest composer-idols: Mr. Jerry Goldsmith.

We took of from Denmark to Stansted Airport in the afternoon. This was my third time in London, so I knew pretty much what was on the agenda, but then again. Some surprises were waiting for me. As usual we wanted to visit Tower Records before 6 p.m. (where there close on Sundays), so we had about 15 minutes of checking out they're very expensive prices, and they didn't have much of rare stuff any more.

We stayed in Regent Palace Hotel, at Piccadilly Circus, so we were close to Tower Records and Oxford Street (HMV/Virgin). I was very disappointed with the hotel, with shared bathrooms, and almost no breakfast (tedious bread, powder coffee and a small cup of juice - which I drank a lot of, later during the first days to compensate. But I got very tired of it, in the end - longing for Danish coffee and water, that I'm use to).

Monday (May 22):

This was gonna be the toughest day (physically). We started off very early, walking towards The Barbican Centre. We tried to get into the rehearsals, like last year. A very kind supervisor tried to talk to LSO-supervisor, but there was no luck this time. The rehearsals were "private", so apparently, we were very lucky last year. I had been more optimistic this time, so I was very disappointed, which the 2 others had to hear for. I guessed we all "down", and frustrated over Mr. Goldsmiths shyness.

Then we walked further into town, visiting several record stores: Rare Discs (Soundtrack-specialists), HMV, and some second hand stores. We bought several scores.

Concert time - day 1:

Before the actual concert, the were an interview between Adrian Edwards and Jerry Goldsmith. I imagined, that Goldsmith wouldn't say that much, and the other guy would do all the talking, but luckily I was wrong. Jerry said so much. I can't recall it all, but he stated that he was through doing sequels, mentioning "Basic Instinct 2" and "The Mummy 2" (Not a word on Star Trek 10).


The Concert (7:30 p.m.)

First section:
  (like last year only more powerful this time)
- AIR FORCE ONE (again the drums were extra powerful LIVE - great!)
- A PATCH OF BLUE (excellent transition from the very different AFO)
- POLTERGEIST (better performance of this, this year)
- PAPILLON (my fav. Goldsmith-score - brilliant performance)
- BASIC INSTICT (brilliant performance of the main theme)
- THE WIND AND LION (more powerful, than I recall from last year)
  (Jerry mentioned them all (except AFO), to be Oscar nominated -
  and they all lost)
  (A classic score came to life again)
- Prelude
- Building the Spirit
  (Jerry talked kindly of the late Franklin Schaffner)
ALL ABOUT EVE by Alfred Newman
  (Jerry gave Alfred the honour for giving "this kid" a chance
  with the task of scoring "Lonely are the Brave".)
RUDY (One of Jerry's own favourite scores - very heroic)
- MacARTHUR - Theme
- PATTON - Theme
  (One of the few disappointments, considering last years great
  performance from the percussionist, who played on the piano
  strings (beginning of MacArthur). This time, it was played on
  "normal" drums)

Second section:
BEN-HUR by Dr. Miklós Rósza (Jerry told us, that
  Dr. Rósza's score to "Spellbound", made him decide being
  a movie composer. Also that he was his student, but we all know
  that - Don't we?) 
- Love Theme
- Parade of the Charioteers (Really powerful)
  (This I had looked forward to hear LIVE, and I didn't get
ISLANDS IN THE STREAM (Jerry's very own favourite score - not mine,
  but great performance)
- The Marlin
Viva Zapata! By Alex North (Jerry best friend and colleague, the 
  late/great Alex North) 
- Gathering Forces (Excellent score, that also became the extra
FOREVER YOUNG (Not a score, I hear that much, so I hardly 
  recognised it)
FIREWORKS - A celebration of Los Angeles (First time, I ever heard
  this - WOW!)
  (It's very long, but not too long. To me, it shows nearly every
  style, that Goldsmith can write in. His style for: Percussionists,
  Heroism, Melancholy, dark cues and probably many more. If you want
  to know, what Jerry Goldsmith is cable of (in short), listen to


After the concert, we ran down backstage - again - to get cd covers signed. Many fans were there already, to and get their most important Jerry-item signed. I got my cover from "Supergirl", and my first Goldsmith score "Sleeping with enemy" signed. So now I had 3 scores signed by the master. (I got "Papillon" signed last year)

We managed to meet Richard Kraft (Goldsmith's+ agent), during the break, and we had a few questions for him, he was kind enough to answer. We tried to make deal, through him, about getting access to the rehearsals the very next day. He told us, that he had nothing to do with the concert, and he was only a guest. One of my friends wanted some Basil Poledouris promos, so he got the agency-address. Finally we asked, if Rachel Portman was ever gonna have concert (my wish), and he said sure (with a glimpse in his eyes).


Tuesday (May 23):

This day was more relaxed. We didn't even think of the rehearsals. Instead we went shopping, buying some LP's, CD's and books. In HMV, I found James Horner's "Willow", for only about 11£.

Concert time - day 2:

Before the actual concert, there was another interview between Adrian Edwards and Jerry Goldsmith. Goldsmith was asked a lot about how things work around The Academy Awards. Jerry answered in details, how it works. Humorous, but not bitter, which he have every right to be, In my opinion. This was a shorter interview, so they had time for some short questions. One suggested Jerry to record a Western-compilation, and Jerry was very hooked on that idea. (Maybe with music from Jerry's debut feature score "The Black Patch")

 The Concert (7:30 p.m.) - called "Star Trek and the world of fantasy"

First section:
(Jerry introduced this section, by telling us, that he first recently
  was beginning to understand the meaning of Star Trek. He thought of
  them as stories about peace, and that the villain wasn't a bad guy
  like in other films, but just egocentric.)  

- Main Title
- The Barrier
- First Contact
- The Enterprise
- New Sight
- End Credits
(No talk in between, so this was one long journey with the Enterprise)

Second section:
(a good laugh: Jerry's microphone didn't work, took some time getting
  it fixed)
ALIEN (Jerry talked about using "Freud" as temp track for Alien, so
  this is the end title, that never made it into the film)
LOGAN'S RUN (A real highlight. I like this score better after this.) 
- The Monument
- End of the City
TWILIGHT ZONE - THE MOVIE (Exciting job for Jerry - working one 4
  scores, and 4 directors in one movie)
  (Really powerful performance by the LSO)
THE MUMMY (I didn't recall this cue. Should have been a cue with
  Egyptian flavour/mystique)
POWDER (Jerry didn't think we knew this film. Thank God for vcr's.
  Very powerful.) 

(My only disappointment: I was really looking forward to hear
  "Supergirl" LIVE, which was announced in the first concert program.
  I could've been without Star Trek V, "Forever Young" or 
  "The Generals suite" instead.)


After the concert, we ran down backstage - again - to get cd covers signed. The usual suspects was there already, to get their most important Jerry-item signed. This time, I got my cover from "The Challenge" signed (the last Goldsmith-cover I had with me on the trip). So now I have 4 scores signed by the master.


We had lots of time this day, and we wanted to visit Silva Screen and Michael Kamen. We found out, that the address we had on Michael Kamen and Rachel Portman were close by. The only problem was, that we hadn't planed this at home, so we knew the streets, but not sure on the door number. We were not in luck, but in the streets, where they have lived or lives.

We had more luck on visiting Silva Screen record, where we found some rare records, that we bought, and exchanged addresses, for further contact. We heard, that we had just missed Debbie Wiseman, who was there earlier. (Damn!)


I was home back in Denmark at 8,30 p.m., after my excellent London-trip. I came as close on Jerry Goldsmith, as one can. I heard 2 LIVE interviews - 2 LIVE concerts, and got 3 CD covers signed. - You should try it too - some day soon

Henrik - May 27 2000.